Thursday, March 6, 2008

Section A: Physical Description Of Victim:

1. Name of Victim:

2. Age at the time of Death: late 20's-early 30's

3. Country of Origin: Mexico

4. Size Of Population: 325,000-15,000,000

5. Significant geographical feautures: Dirt, deserts, cactus, stones, walls: made out of sunstone

Section B: Victimms Cultural Background:

1. Languges Spoken: Nahuah

2. Description of Government:

Used to be a strong central government and recieved tribute payments/ Monarchy

3. Description of Economics System:

Farming, foods, jewlery, agricultural

4. Description of Religious Beliefs: Natural/fake gods, relegious offerings, sacrafices

Section C: Forensic Analysis:

1.List and describe all evidence used:
1. wash clothe( before used white, after the crime brown)
2. Maps( where the crime scene took place)
3. bullets( 2 regular, 1 red)
4. spanish letter writting( to tell why the crime took place, or how the person was killed

2. List and describe any possible suspects:

1.Dirty wash clothe maybe used to clean the object that maybe killed the victim.
2. Maps: maybe used to show where the person lived or wher he/she was killed
3. crumble paper : letter written in spanish probable to show the purpose of the inncident or telling why the person was killed.

3.Explain significance of each piece of evidence:

Involes guns, horses( animal footprints), bullets, spanish and Aztecs people.

Section D: Witness Interviews

1. Describe all sources used:
1.Art work
3. Maps
4. Spanish Letter
5. Friends

2. Who created sources:
1. Internet
2. Mr.Brown
3. MS.Goldberg

3. Dates of testimony:

4 State significance of each witness along with specific details of testimony:

Section E: Conclusions:

1. Casue of death: It was a a homicide.

2.Explain casue of death: the cause of this death was that the victim was killed because he gave himself as a sacrafice or was killed in a war.

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